Your Daily Trump Dump

With this much stupid, it's easier to put it all in one post.

I'm not going to inflict a bunch of different Trump posts on you every time the man does something rude or inflammatory. Instead, I'm just going to drop a "Trump Dump" here, and let you all have at the man.

Let's begin with his attitude toward Katy Tur and how passively the media regards his rude, condescending tone toward her. You may recall that this weekend there was a general freakout led by CNN's Jake Tapper over Hillary Clinton putting media behind a rope line during a parade, and yet there's crickets over Trump's sneering, demeaning, derisive attitude toward Tur in this interview. Hypocrisy much?

And that's before we get to the whole "Yeah, I'm still a birther and so what if he released his long form birth certificate." Sheesh, if anyone else said that they'd call them pathological.

Speaking of birth certificates and immigration and things, Trump is shouting out to Sheriff Joe Arpaio to back him up on the whole "Mexico is sending rapists here" line. "Help me, help me," Trump whines to the one man who might be a bigger racist than he is.

Oh, that will certainly help him win the Latino vote. Too bad I don't get to Phoenix until Tuesday night for Netroots Nation. I'd definitely enjoy being a fly on the wall for Trump's stupid event.

Surely teaming up with Arpaio will help Trump’s plan to win the Latino vote, as the sheriff has a horrific record on issues like immigration, racial profiling, detainmentand upholding basic human rights.

Most recently, he tapped a child sex offender to work as an armed guard for schools and confessed to having “violated several federal court orders resulting from a long-running racial-profiling suit.”

The sheriff, who has been cited by the Justice Department for violating the First Amendment rights of his critics, recently alleged that criticism of Trump’s comments on immigration undermines his “freedom of speech.”

But not to worry, because among his many grandiose claims, he promises he'll win the Latino vote in the general election.

Also, Trump is now not sure if he has any undocumented workers working for him or not. He definitely might. Or so he says.

He might also run a third-party candidacy for 2016. Oh please God, let it be so.

You'll also be relieved to know Trump met with Roger Ailes before he declared his candidacy, ostensibly to seek Pope Ailes' hand of blessing on Trump's run at the nomination. Because we all know he couldn't possibly take a step without Pope Roger's hand of goodwill on his back, amirite?

Whatever this lunatic is doing, it's working for him. He's up over all the other Republican nominees in North Carolina, with 16% to Jeb Bush's 12%.

Meanwhile, the real crazies who are more likely to land the nomination are quietly toiling in the fields of political hucksterism without much attention. It's almost as if Donald Trump is giving them cover to do and say whatever they want. Something to think about, hmmm?

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