Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood Trying To Control Populations In Black Neighborhoods

Ben Carson joins Rush Limbaugh with linking Planned Parenthood governmental mind control conspiracy theories.

Ben Carson joined Fox News' Neil Cavuto to celebrate his moving up in the latest polls and when the topic of Planned Parenthood came up, he not only linked the group to the Eugenics movement, but also delved into the WND and mind control conspiracy territory by saying Planned Parenthood was trying to control the black population.

Carson: “I know who [Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger is. I know that she believed in eugenics and that she was not particularly enamored with black people.”

“One of the reason that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find a way to control that population,” he continued.

This is gobbledygook/ Alex Jones nonsense. He didn't bother to explain how they control black neighborhoods or what that purpose might be.

Maybe Jake Tapper can ask him at the upcoming CNN debate.

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