Ben Carson Used Fetal Tissue In His Own Medical Research

Wait for the howls of condemnation from the right -- in the next millenium.

Dr. Jen Gunter has tracked down some of Ben Carson's research and found a few surprises in the process, like the fact that he conducted research using fetal tissue.

Here's the cold, hard evidence:

Yes, Dr. Ben Carson has done research on fetal tissue and published his findings. His name is on the paper so that means he had a substantive role in the research and supports the methods and findings.

How does one explain this given Carson’s stand on fetal tissue research?

Perhaps Dr. Carson feels that only his work delivered the goods and all other researchers have produced inconsequential work, an Ebola vaccine clearly not of merit by Carson’s logic.

Could he think his own research was useless? However, if it was non contributory to the field why was it published?

Maybe he forgot that he’d done the research on fetal tissue? Convenient I suppose if you are a Presidential hopeful and want to use your doctor credentials to get prime Fox and Brietbart space and there is a fetal-tissue-for-research issue.


As a neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson knows full well that fetal tissue is essential for medical research. His discipline would have a hard time being were it is today without that kind of work. What is even more egregious than dismissing the multitude of researchers whose work allowed him to become a neurosurgeon is the hypocrisy of actually having done that research himself while spouting off about its supposed worthlessness.

So when Ben Carson makes the wild-headed claim that Planned Parenthood is some kind of plot to decrease the Black population, will anyone ask what his role in that plot was?

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