Conservatives Still Arguing Over Who Lost The Iraq War
LIndsey Graham tries to blame Obama for losing the Iraq war when it was lost a long time ago.

Since President Obama was sworn into office, conservatives have been trying to blame all the world's ills on him, including the failure of the Iraq war. And since Jeb Bush began actively campaigning and defending his brother, there's also been a harder push to rewrite history and cast President Obama and Hillary Clinton as the real culprits in all the problems Iraq faces today.
Hugh Hewitt interviewed Goober Graham on his radio show, who immediately blamed the withdrawal of forces from Iraq on Obama since he knows all. And of course to conservatives, the only thing that matters about the Iraq war now is when we agreed to remove our troops from Iraq and not keep a residual force there, which is apparently responsible for all their political chaos and the rise of ISIS.
Powerline asks: Who Lost Iraq?
Hugh Hewitt: Jeb Bush is right. This is truly at the feet of Obama-Clinton.
Lindsey Graham: You know, Maliki has got a lot of blame for Iraq falling apart, but I lay this at the foot of the President of the United States solely. The Iraqis to a person would’ve accepted a residual force, but he wanted to get to zero. He would never come forth with a number. They never had a number.
At one point Barack Obama and Joe Biden basked in the success of the surge that was authorized by George W. Bush and carried out by Gen. David Petraeus. They proclaimed Iraq one of the Obama administration’s greatest accomplishments, taking credit for a military and diplomatic effort that had nothing to do with them. And then that ideologically-obsessed dummy, Barack Obama, threw it all away.
Even though Graham admits that Maliki has much to answer for, it's really not his fault that Iraq descended into despair. See how simple that was? The invasion was righteous against a country that didn't attack us. The surge was awesome and won us the war. Then Obama/O'Biden took all the credit for these incredible successes and Obama then threw it all away with his smugness
Wasn't that nice and neat?
I won't get into rebutting these ridiculous claims because nobody in their right mind believes anything Graham says when he tries to lay the blame off of his neocon supporting ways that helped get us into the Iraq quagmire. But conservatives like Hinderaker, Hewitt and Graham can try their best to rewrite their wrongs.