'Cuckservative:' Trump's Code Word Is A Study In Racism, Misogyny

When you know the origins of the word, you won't be surprised at why it's caught fire on the right.

'Cuckservative:' Trump's Code Word Is A Study In Racism, Misogyny

Joan Walsh breaks down the origins of the new hot word to describe milder-mannered but no less evil conservatives than Donald Trump:

Then “cuckservative” started showing up in my Twitter mentions last week, after I suggested Donald Trump supporters might not be the brightest bulbs. As I clicked around, I came to a shocking conclusion: I’ve been uncharacteristically downplaying the amount of racism and misogyny powering the right today. The spread of the epithet “cuckservative” is a sign that the crudest psycho-sexual insecurity animates the far right.

“Cuckservative,” you see, is short for a cuckolded conservative. It’s not about a Republican whose wife is cheating on him, but one whose country is being taken away from him, and who’s too cowardly to do anything about it.

OK, that’s gross and sexist enough already, but there’s more. It apparently comes from a kind of pornography known as “cuck,” in which a white husband, either in shame or lust, watches his wife be taken by a black man. Lewis explains it this way: “A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor.”

This is not merely a new way to shout “RINO.” It’s a call to make the GOP an explicitly racist party, devoted to the defense of whites. It’s no accident it’s taken off in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign launch/performance art, where he attacked illegal Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals.”

When I saw it last week I just thought it was an awkward coinage of a stupid term. But it's more than that. Much, much more, and it's being embraced wholeheartedly by True Believing White Supremacists.

White nationalist Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute explained Trump’s appeal to Dave Weigel: “a) he is a tougher, superior man than ‘conservatives’ (which isn’t saying much), and b) he seems to grasp the demographic displacement of European-Americans on a visceral level. We see some hope there.”

Rush Limbaugh helped spread the term to the mainstream when he praised Trump like this: “If Trump were your average, ordinary, cuckolded Republican, he would have apologized by now, and he would have begged for forgiveness, and he would have gone away.”

The folks behind the term are also wildly anti-Semitic. Huckabee became a popular target after he claimed President Obama’s Iran deal was “marching Israelis to the ovens.” The guys who bray “cuckservative” hate Obama, of course, but they may hate Israel more.

Many more are embracing the term (like disgraced racist blogger Chuck C. Johnson), so I recommend reading Joan's entire piece.

That word was brought to you by Donald Trump, who is doing us all a favor by exposing Republicans for the white supremacist, racist, women-hating group that they are.

D.L. Hughley has them pegged:

I think the more racist stuff Trump says, the better he does in the polls,” the comedian said. “If he said n****r, he’d be elected tomorrow. Anybody that takes Trump — Trump being president is like Flavor Flav winning a spelling bee. I just don’t know how they take that seriously.”

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