Glenn Beck: BLM Activists Are Scary, Rude People

Coming from the guy who insinuated that the black President didn't like white people, this is pretty rich.

Glenn Beck is just outraged about the Bernie Sanders Seattle event where Black Lives Matter activists took the microphone from Sanders.

“The crowd wasn’t there to see you,” he noted. “The crowd was there to see Bernie Sanders. He earned that microphone, not you. What gives you the right to take it away from him, besides socialism/communism? That’s what usually happens; you take what is not yours.”

Beck said Sanders had every right to tell the protesters to sit down, and to call security if they refused to do so.

So Beck is whitesplaining socialism to black protesters now? Coming from the guy who couldn't wait to trash the newly-elected African-American president, it's predictable.

“It is unacceptable behavior, and yet it is allowed to continue. It is happening all over the country. Occupy Wall Street was only a warm-up, and here’s what scares me,” Beck said. “Most of us won’t even know that this happened. … And we’re content to watch our collective angst spill out into the streets from the sidelines.”

Beck said that with Donald Trump on one side “connecting with real frustration and real anger on the streets,” and “these people on the streets with their anger,” someone needs to be asking: “How do you think this is going to end?”

Do you see the subtle racism there? Donald Trump is connecting with "real frustration and real anger", but the Black Lives Matter folks are "on the streets with their anger." In Beck-land, only one kind of anger is allowed to exist, and that's white people's anger. If you're Black and angry, you're "on the streets" fomenting violence.

Tell that to the peaceful protesters treated to the presence of OathKeepers -- white dudes sporting big rifles -- on the streets of Ferguson last night with the blessing of the police.

They're shooting unarmed black kids and Beck has no empathy for that. But interrupting a rally and being angry? Well, that's completely unacceptable, even if the socialist asked for it.

But he's not going to just talk about it, he's going to do something about all that anger.

“As our anger and frustration begins to surface more and more, is it just going to work itself out and go away? No,” Beck concluded. “This is why we are standing up on 8/28.”

"Our anger." As in, white people's indignation that the uppity blacks are standing up in their communities and saying "no more." That 8/28 reference is to another Beck grift -- a "unity rally" intended to further inflame and empower white supremacy.

The world according to Beck.

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