Glenn Beck Says It's Time To Face The 'Uber-Islamists'

He's just vomiting word salad now.

The desperation is breaking out if Fox News had to drag Glenn Beck onto center stage to hammer home the Islamophobia.

Glenn wants us to call it "Radical Islamism" because saying it will make it so, or something.

Oh, and Nazis. Can't forget the Nazis.

Glenn Beck told Sean Hannity tonight that the 2016 election will be an extraordinarily important moment in American history because of the many global threats facing our country.

Beck said, in particular, the horrible atrocities committed by ISIS in the Middle East must be addressed.

"This is the Nazis times 10," Beck stated. "They have learned from the Nazis."

He said that if we can't call radical Islam what it is, then there's no way we can fight it.

"It's time to stop saying that this isn't about Islam," Beck said. "ISIS is uber-Islamic. And it's time it's said. Otherwise, we perish."

But it isn't about Islam. It's about radical fundamentalists who believe they cannot change things without violence. Sort of like patriot groups, and the OathKeepers. Shall we call them what they are, too? And if we do, will that really change anything?

Not so much.

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