Carly Fiorina Loves Waterboarding: It Kept America Safe

Disregarding facts, Carly Fiorina supports torture and waterboarding as a way to keep America safe.

Carly Fiorina Loves Waterboarding: It Kept America Safe

In her quest to become the designated Republican VP candidate, Carly Fiorina spent a lot of time lying about what was actually on an undercover and highly edited Planned Parenthood video. She's not worried about what's actually in the videos because she's seeking to get as much love from the religious right faction of the GOP and they don't care about the truthiness of the videos either. After finishing with that project, Fiorina is now positioning herself as part of the Dick Cheney/Bill Kristol coalition of torture supporters. Not only is she attacking the credibility of the Senate report on our torture program, she's lying about the value waterboarding actually had in gathering effective intelligence.

Yahoo News:

Positioning herself as a steely advocate of aggressive counterterrorism programs, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina offered a vigorous defense of CIA waterboarding as a tactic that helped “keep our nation safe” in the aftermath of 9/11.

“I believe that all of the evidence is very clear — that waterboarding was used in a very small handful of cases [and] was supervised by medical personnel in every one of those cases,” Fiorina told Yahoo News. “And I also believe that waterboarding was used when there was no other way to get information that was necessary.”

A Senate report last year portrayed waterboarding as “near drownings” that were tantamount to torture and concluded that the agency’s often brutal interrogations produced little actionable intelligence. But Fiorina rejected those conclusions, calling the report “disingenuous” and “a shame” that “undermined the morale of a whole lot of people who dedicated their lives to keeping the country safe.”

Fiorina’s remarks drew an immediate rebuke from Naureen Shah, director of the security and human rights program at Amnesty International USA, which last week fileda complaint with the Justice Department requesting an investigation into why prosecutors have not reopened a criminal probe of those responsible for waterboarding and other abusive practices — such as “rectal feeding” and rectal searches — based on new details documented in the Senate report.

“It’s outrageous for anybody to claim that torture was limited or that this is the way the U.S. should have conducted business after 9/11,” said Shah about Fiorina’s comments to Yahoo News. “This is completely rewriting the history of what happened.”

She can get away with this for the time being, but eventually the facts will catch up to her. However, as a VP candidate, it probably helps her attack dog reputation.

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