Chris Christie Bullies Young Constituent On Climate Change Remarks
Now he owes her an apology.
What a great example of how bullies like Chris Christie operate, and how easy it is to show them for the liars they are.
A young lady at one of Christie's town hall events asked him about remarks he had made before about climate change. Specifically, she challenged Christie's claim that humans contribute to climate change by breathing.
His response was swift and harsh. He straight-up bullied this young lady to tell her she was simply imagining things, that he had never said what she contended.
He also said they had tapes of every event and would go back and look at the tapes to prove she was full of hot air.
Turns out it was Christie blowing gaseous fumes at her, and Rev. Al has the proof.
Thus ends Chapter Zillion of Why Chris Christie Should Retire From Public Life Altogether. After watching him lie to this young woman's face so easily, it's not hard to understand how he's bullied his way through Bridgegate and every other corrupt act of his administration in New Jersey.
[h/t C&Ler Pick6]