Far Right Extremists Won't Be Satisfied Until They've Burned The Country To The Ground

First they came for John Boehner. Now it's Mitch McConnell's turn, mostly because he refuses to harm the country.

They truly do want to burn the house down. Just burn the whole country right to the ground. After securing John Boehner's resignation for the sin of trying to govern, the hard right is now taking aim at Mitch McConnell, and for stupid, stupid reasons.

Roger Villere, the chairman of the Louisiana GOP, urged McConnell to resign in a Saturday Facebook post.

In an interview with the Washington Times published on Sunday, Villere said that McConnell is hurting the Republican party.

"Mitch is a good and honorable guy, but the base is leaving our party," Villere said. "I’m out in the field all the time and we have all our elections this year for state offices, and it’s hurting us tremendously with our elections."

He said that the majority leader should have pushed harder against President Obama's agenda while leading the Senate.

"Mr. McConnell could have suspended consideration of confirmations for all presidential appointees, except for those who are essential to national security, until the president rescinded his unconstitutional executive action on amnesty," he said.

Villere suggested that McConnell did not fight hard enough to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood. He said that McConnell's support for a temporary funding bill that provides funding for Planned Parenthood will hurt the Republican party.

"If we lose the battle, we will never win the presidency again in my lifetime," he said. "I've worked for 12 years as chairman to build this party, and I just don’t want to see it all go down the drain because they aren’t willing to fight for what we believe in. Our base is demanding we do something or they’re going to leave us."

In what world does this man live where they think they can simply demand their representatives do damage and deep harm to this country in the name of purity?

This is the difference between the left and the right. Right here. There are many things the left pushes for, but we don't demand they shut down the government to get them. We don't pretend we live in an alternate reality where nothing is better than something, and where it's just fine to tank the economy in the name of billionaire bucks.

I seriously want to slap this man for being so utterly naive and ridiculous, right along with Senator Ted Cruz, who feeds the delusion instead of being responsible enough to tell the truth.

I hope they never win back the White House in my lifetime. They don't deserve it. They only understand absolutism rather than governance.

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