Huckabee Stages Campaign Rally Disguised As Tent Revival
Strutting like a triumphant dictator, Huckabee proceeded to show how little he really knows.
Kim Davis marched out from jail to "Eye of the Tiger," a move that angered Survivor's Frankie Sullivan deeply. The entire charade was staged, and ridiculously so. And there was Mike Huckabee, waiting with open arms to capitalize on her release.
Claiming he was "willing to spend the next eight years in the White House," he also swore he was "willing to spend the next eight years in jail," because he just could not abide the idea of that noblest of noble women, Kim Davis, having to violate her conscience.
This was just ridiculous political theater. There's no other way to describe it. It was a tent revival campaign rally, with the snakes appearing onstage in the form of Davis and her minions.
Mat Staver spoke before Huckster took the stage. He didn't say this at the rally, but he did say it on the radio today:
""To force someone like that to give a license for something that will legalize, that will put a stamp of approval on something that is absolute rebellion against God, sinful, then that is a direct collision of unprecedented magnitude," he continued, saying that requiring Davis to do her job is like requiring her "to grant a license to engage in pornography, to grant a license to sodomize children or something of that nature."
Huckabee, on the other hand, decried the tyranny of the Supreme Court justices, who he claimed were acting as "tyrants."
Speaking of tyrants, Huckabee's aides also physically blocked Ted Cruz from going to the stage during the travesty, preferring instead to keep the spotlight for himself.
They are hollow, hollow men.