Limbaugh's Latest Conspiracy Theory: Obama Hijacked All The Conservatives!
It's difficult to tell if Limbaugh thinks it was by voodoo or some other means.
Rush Limbaugh must be sniffing glue or taking some strong drugs these days. His latest rant is, well, funny.
To accept his thesis, you must first accept the idea that somehow Barack Obama has woven a magical spell around every influential conservative leader, a very magical spell. This spell takes these hard-line conservative men who would otherwise be terrible haters and turns them into Obama acolytes.
I'm not sure if he imagines it to be voodoo or something longer-lasting, but it's troubling Rushbo. Very troubling, because if all these people are in the tank for Obama, how can Rush lie about calling him a radical?
In the last seven years Barack Obama has successfully recruited, or corrupted, or hijacked -- however you want to describe it -- John Roberts of the Supreme Court; John Boehner, Speaker of the House; Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the Senate; and, some might even say, the pope. So you're saying, 'Well so what Rush, none of that's a surprise.' That's right, but for people who don't follow politics, and they see people like the Pope sidling up to and having fun with and supporting Obama, and see a Supreme Court Justice going out of his way to be supportive of Obama, and then the two Republican leaders -- do you realize how impossible it will be to portray Obama as he is? An extreme radical?
Perhaps it's not Kenyan voodoo. Perhaps it's just raw, unbridled fear, unleashed by that scary man in the White House.
Do you realize how difficult that is to explain to people when all these other people seem to have been recruited by him and are helping him? Now in the case of Roberts, Boehner and Mitchell [sic], the explanation for it, we know that they're not simpatico initios and God help us if they are. It's more that they're afraid to oppose him.
Okay, no voodoo, just a Kenyan death stare that terrifies those otherwise good conservative men. But what about the Pope?
Pope's another matter, interchangeable.
Nah, forget about the Pope, but what about Boehner, McConnell, and Roberts.
But, for the domestic people here, and not just these three, but they're the big three - John Roberts, Boehner and Mitchell, or McConnell -- if the Republican leadership and a so-called conservative Chief Justice of the Supreme Court don't appear to have any problem with Obama, do you realize how difficult it is to tell the truth about the guy? That's one of the reasons I cringe every time I see no evidence of push-back by the Republican Party on Obama policies. It just makes it harder to accomplish one of the things I have set out to do, and that is educate people about liberalism. [emphasis added]
"Do you realize how difficult it is for me to lie about the guy?" There. I fixed it.
Listen below: