Mike Huckabee Rages Against The GOP Machine

Huckabee's vilest rage is reserved for his own.

Mike Huckabee gave an interesting speech at the latest Values Voters Summit today. He began with his typical nastiness, suggesting that if Boehner resigned after a meeting with the Pope, perhaps they could arrange a similar meeting for President Obama.

Har. Har.

The interesting part starts at about 8:30, where Huckabee declares, "I understand people are angry. In fact, it's not just anger. That's not the mood. It is a seething rage."

The reason? Not Obama. Not Democrats. No, the reason for the seething rage is because they went out and got Republicans elected and still haven't gotten Planned Parenthood defunded, Obamacare repealed, or any of the prize goals of the far-right wingnut agenda accomplished.

This has them in a seething rage, because they've learned to live in a Fox News world, where unreality is reality, where bullies reign, and where unicorns fart rainbows.

Still, it's interesting to watch a 2016 hopeful trash his own party that way.

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