Rep. Sean Duffy Didn't Listen To A Word Pope Francis Said
Instead he fell right back into the same old set of lies
This morning, Pope Francis delivered a wonderful address to Congress that each and every one of them on both sides of the aisle should have listened to.
Alas. At least one Republican chose to ignore the Pope's admonition to remember the Golden Rule while he broke at least one of the Ten Commandments (Thou shalt not lie...)
Appearing on MSNBC shortly afterwards, Rep. Sean "I don't get paid enough" Duffy chose to ignore all of the challenges the Pope set before him and lapse into Rush-speak about Planned Parenthood, the impending government shutdown, and more.
After complimenting Congress for not politicizing Pope Francis' address and calling him a "great pastor," Duffy launched into his main thrust.
After being asked what he thought about the climate change and death penalty remarks in the Pope's speech, Duffy launched into a paean to the outdoors. Then he got to the point.
"In regard to the death penalty, I'm a pro-life guy," Duffy declared. "Whether we're talking about the abortion issue, or we're talking about the death penalty."
Hold on for the "Big But." To Sean Duffy, abortion and marriage are church doctrine. Duffy said "faithful Catholics can't disagree with the Pope on those teachings."
Climate change and immigration, on the other hand, are simply Pope Francis' opinion, according to Duffy, which is why it's totally fine for Catholics to simply dismiss him. Because there's a "hierarchy of issues" they can choose to agree or disagree with.
This is completely different than it has ever been before, you understand. There was no picking and choosing what to agree with Pope Francis' predecessor on, was there?
Here's something that's doctrinal that Duffy also chose to ignore: Lying.
"So you have Planned Parenthood, that's harvesting and selling body parts, that's the lead provider of abortion, that we have legislation that says...if you're a late term abortion where actually the babies can feel pain and can survive outside the womb, I think after the Pope's visit as he's talking about these very issues that are the doctrine of the church, hopefully there will be some conversion with the 83 Democrats who sat in and listened to the Pope's message and who call themselves faithful Catholics."
Count the number of lies in that paragraph. He kept it up, too, especially the fetal pain lie. This, in spite of the fact that the Pope's speech barely touched on those issues.
At the end, he just couldn't resist more Big Lies, mixed with a Rushism for good measure.
"We don't want to see a government shutdown," Duffy insisted. "My hope is that if we preserve the funding for women's health care but we don't give it to Planned Parenthood, we'd have Democrats rally around that issue."
Fat chance, greedy boy.
Here comes the Biggest Lie of Them All, and also the reason Planned Parenthood is being targeted.
"Planned Parenthood is one of the lead political contributors to the Democrat party. So I hope this doesn't become a political issue about contributions from Planned Parenthood to Democrats," Duffy concluded.
Right there you have the true motive. This isn't about some lofty goal to "protect life." It's simply and purely about defunding an organization that supports Democratic candidates through contributions made and earmarked for that purpose by individuals who support Planned Parenthood. Taking their federal funding for health services away won't change their contribution schedule, but reality doesn't really matter to the likes of Sean Duffy.