Right-Wing Writer's Solution To Political Differences: Two Nations, One Under God
Patrice Lewis calls for a coup and division of the United States into two nations.
The lunatics over at WorldNutDaily are getting restless this week. Rural Idaho freelance writer Patrice Lewis has called for a two-state solution for the United States.
In Lewis' mind, the answer to this nation's problems could be solved by dividing the United States into two separate nations, one established by theocracy and the other for all the progressives.
Whether our politicians are willing to admit it or not, there’s a lot of growing resentment just waiting for the right spark to set it off.
Unsurprisingly, a recent YouGov survey revealed that 29 percent of Americans “could imagine” supporting a military coup against the government. I have a sneaking suspicion the number might be higher, but common-sense wariness may have prevented people from answering honestly.
What, precisely, is a coup? Properly called a coup d’état (the French would know!), Wikipedia defines it as a “sudden and (usually) illegal seizure of a state, usually instigated by a small group of the existing government establishment to depose the established regime and replace it with a new ruling body. A coup d’état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. If a coup fails, a civil war may ensue.”
I thought it interesting how the progressive Wikipedia specified coups are “illegal.”
Can you actually imagine someone writing this while Bush was President? Heads would roll in the streets. But she was just getting warmed up. First the bone toss to those of us who she perceives as wrecking the nation on behalf of Satan.
The progressive agenda, which I firmly believe is poisoning our nation, is authored by people who – as violently as I disagree with almost everything they advocate and stand for – are every bit as American as I am. A coup with results that would please patriots would alienate progressives; and a coup with results that would please progressives would alienate patriots.
Then the two-state solution:
I am sincere when I say the only viable solution is to divide America. With due respect to the atrocities committed upon the Native Americans, we no longer have an empty continent where disgruntled individuals can flee when things become intolerable. But we can divvy up our land mass into two nations – one progressive, one conservative – where the ideals and agendas of each can be instigated to the satisfaction of two extremely diverse populations.
Miracles may not cluster, but God is still their architect. And we’ve already seen that He looks with favor on nations that turn to him. A new nation, “… conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” might just win His favorable attention once again.
Landlocked theocrats with progressives on either coast? I'm still trying to make sense out of what liberties have been so infringed that nuts like this think they should call for a complete national division.