Sarah Palin Refers To BlackLivesMatter Activists As 'Dogs'
Speaking to her Tea Party admirers, Palin couldn't resist a racist dog whistle or three.
Nice of Sarah Palin to show up and call activists she doesn't like "dogs," wasn't it?
Palin began by thanking the crowd for coming out in opposition to the deal, but then she thought of another group she wanted to thank.
“Oh, and you know, since our president won’t say it, since he still hasn’t called off the dogs, we’ll say,” Palin said. “Police officers and first responders all across this great land, we’ve got your back, we salute you! Thank you, police officers!”
Here's video of Sarah Palin calling #BlackLivesMatter protesters dogs.
— Jesse Berney (@jesseberney) September 9, 2015
Just go home, Snow Snooki, and get drunk with your lily white supremacist friends without subjecting us all to it.