Rick Perry's Terrible, No-Good, Awful Campaign Day
His "broken clock" comment just topped off a whole day of awful.
Stick a fork in Rick Perry. He, along with Piyush Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham should just give it up now.
After letting all of his New Hampshire staff go and keeping only one paid staffer in Iowa, Donald Trump took after him.
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry had a weird message on Thursday for fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who said Perry's campaign is crashing: "A broken clock is right once a day."
Perry was on Fox News after Trump said during an news conference that the former governor was getting out of the GOP race.
Perry began by misusing a cliche.
"A broken clock is right once a day," Perry said.
He went on to say he was not dropping out of the race.
Uh...Okay, Governor Perry. Now go ahead and take your folksy self back to Texas and see if you can figure out what God was really trying to tell you.