Trump And Ailes Schedule Another 'Summit' Before The Next Round

This is only possible in the land Rupert Murdoch built.

This is only possible in a world where we accept the fact that politicians -- even real estate mogul politicians -- can wield the power to lash their media minions into submission. Not many can, but it appears that Donald Trump and Roger Ailes are staging the WWE of 2016 Election Season.

A Fox News spokesperson said Thursday in a statement to TPM:

"Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes and Donald Trump spoke this morning and plan to have a meeting next week to discuss their differences of opinion regarding Fox's coverage of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. Ailes will be joined by senior Fox editorial executives. Mr. Trump believes he has been treated unfairly in certain instances. FOX News has held every candidate in this race to the highest journalistic standards throughout our coverage. We believe a candid meeting about our differences is required and that any misunderstandings can be handled without compromising those standards."

This tweet sums it up well:

Too bad all those fearful hatey people who stay glued to Fox all day long still believe Hulk Ailes will prevail over Punk Trump.

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