Wallbuilders Founder Takes Over Cruz SuperPAC

David Barton will head up Keep the Promise SuperPAC backing Ted Cruz.

Step right up and look at the freak show, folks! Today it was announced that David Barton will assume leadership of one of Ted Cruz' SuperPACs -- the one which has raised $38 million from the secretive evangelical contingent, it seems.

Bloomberg reports:

David Barton, an influential Christian author and activist, is taking charge of the leading super-PAC supporting Ted Cruz.

The super-PAC, Keep the Promise PAC, is the umbrella for a group of related pro-Cruz political committees that raised $38 million in the first half of the year, more than the super-PACs supporting any other candidate with the exception of Jeb Bush.

"From the outset, the Keep the Promise PACs made their mission to provide a voice for the millions of courageous conservatives who are looking to change the direction of the country," Keep the Promise PAC said in a statement today. "Barton's involvement is an important step signaling that the effort will not be run by a D.C. consultant but by a grassroots activist."

I love the way they refer to Barton as "an influential Christian author and activist." Please. This is David Barton, raw and unedited, explaining why giving women the vote was a terrible, terrible thing.

In conclusion, Barton asserted that denying women the right to vote was necessary for "a strong culture, a strong society, and it was based on a strong family that preceded government. And they crafted their policies to protect a strong family."

There's more.

He told NPR that the Founding Fathers wanted Bibles in schools.

Mike Huckabee wanted him to hold Americans at gunpoint while Barton crammed his theocratic ideas down his throat.

He taught BS at Glenn Beck's bogus University.

The video at the top is Barton arguing for why armed students in elementary schools would prevent more shootings.

You get the idea. They just gave this delusional lunatic $38 million and a candidate. We live in very strange times.

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