Andrea Mitchell Sets The Record Straight On Sidney Blumenthal

Republicans were obsessed with someone who doesn't matter.

Rep. Mike Pompeo went after Hillary Clinton over an email from Sidney Blumenthal, as did all the other Republicans, but Pompeo is a special snowflake because he lied about Blumenthal's role on Meet the Press Sunday.

During a break, Andrea Mitchell explained why Pompeo is full of it.

BRIAN WILLIAMS (HOST): Andrea, the snippet we saw, where you got brought into this, was from Meet the Press, a moment where you decided to differ with a member of Congress who is on this committee. Tell us the background there, of that, and your decision to step in and disagree.

ANDREA MITCHELL: Well, Congressman Pompeo, whom I've spoken with before, since, and in fact this morning, is a member of the committee, and we were on live television, and he suggested that most of [Clinton's] intelligence on Libya came from Sidney Blumenthal. And, what she is saying today in her testimony-- I objected, I said that it was not factually correct, because I knew that she did not rely on emails for intelligence. She had daily meetings, she was briefed by the CIA every day. She did not use email, she didn't have a computer in her office, and that she went through not only the State Department intelligence unit, the CIA, but National Security Council meetings, so that she had a lot of sources on Libya, and did not rely on Sidney Blumenthal for "most" of her intelligence, as she had phrased it, on Libya.

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