Andrew Sullivan's Nasty Rant Against Hillary Clinton Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

On Bill Maher's show Friday, Andrew Sullivan just laid into Hillary Clinton with fact-free personality bashing.

Andrew Sullivan fell in love with Barack Obama during the 2008 primaries. He has since fallen somewhat out of love, but this segment highlights his criteria for what a successful politician looks like.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton as compared to Donald Trump, Sullivan fumed, "Has she ever given a speech that you were inspired by? Has she got any good retail skills? Is she able to come across on TV?"

A woman who served as Senator for 8 years and Obama's Secretary of State for 4 years is just a terribly incompetent human being to Andrew Sullivan. Because TV. Alrighty then.

He loved Obama's soaring rhetoric. It was the foundation of what made him fall in love. But when the sausage-making began, Sullivan soured a bit, though a rousing speech by Obama could rekindle the embers of his love.

Sullivan points to Hillary's poll numbers as evidence of her incompetence as candidate. When Maher points out that the press -- including the liberal press -- haven't exactly been kind to her, Sullivan pooh-poohed.

"She's a talent-free hack!," Sullivan exploded, in response to pushback.

Sullivan's criteria for a successful politician appear to be fairly simple-minded things. Good speeches, nice ideas, and not Hillary Clinton. Because he fails to advance any real arguments against her other than his personal dislike of her, anything he says means less than nothing.

The rest of the video is just Sullivan repeating right-wing talking points while dismissing any accomplishments Clinton actually should get credit for. The sanctions that brought Iran to the table were brought about during her tenure as Secretary of State, for example. Rebuilding international goodwill toward the United States? Clinton, again. Bringing equality to LGBT employees in the government began in the Department of State as early as 2009 was also Clinton's doing.

But don't tell Sullivan that. He's a man on a mission to promote the likes of Donald Trump. Because speeches.

Whatever your preference is in the primary, can we all agree that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both share a vision and talent that surpasses any Republican on the national stage? She's not a talent-free hack any more than Bernie Sanders is a communist sympathizer. Our primary candidates are good ones -- great, even. More importantly, they're sane.

I'm glad Sullivan gave up blogging. I'd hate to see the sexist claptrap he'd level against her. My advice to him is to work through his lady issues and find a Republican to bash.

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