C&L's Sat Nite Chiller Theater: 'Pumpkinhead'
Lance Henriksen has revenge on his mind, but he's about to make a big mistake if he goes out to the pumpkin patch cemetary.
Happy Halloween!
What better way to celebrate it than with pumpkins. As a boy, Lance Henriksen saw something he wasn't supposed to see and it stayed with him his entire life. He saw the legend of Pumpkinhead.
I just watched it tonight and I don't know about you, but I still enjoyed it, especially the monster.
Making his directorial debut, legendary effects and makeup artist Stan Winston (The Terminator, Jurassic Park, Aliens) doesn't show much interest in the characters or the story, which pits a bunch of city kids against a vengeance demon conjured up by Lance Henriksen, a backwoods hick who blames them for his son's death. But Winston and his tech crew heavily invest themselves in the expressively backlit gothic atmosphere and a throwback creature that subtly evolves into Henriksen's eerie doppelgänger, his dark side made manifest. Had Pumpkinhead been made in the silent era, it might now be treated with the reverence granted Nosferatu.