CNBC Host Says Colorado Students Aren't As Liberal Because They Want Jobs

As usual, a CNBC host had to sound like a jack off right before the debate began.

Just before the CNBC Debate started, CNBC host John Kernan, wondered if Colorado college students are as liberal as they were in the seventies because now they have aspirations and dreams of getting jobs.

What a jackass!

Kernan: Dana, I can't tell if, I don't know if you can tell - whether they are more liberal now than when I went back in the 70's or whether, I would tend to think the faculty is, but, I'm not convinced that some of these young people aren't, they're aspirational as well, they need to buy a lot of applications for all their electronic devices, they need jobs. They need to pay off their student loans. The actually need the private sector to succeed. I'm not convinced.

First off, nobody asked you, Kernan.

Who could have imagined that a CNBC host could hold his rabid right wing views in check before the start of a presidential debate.

Who could ever imagine liberal students are aspirational? Would want nice electronic gadgets, be able to pay off their loans and get a great job.

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