Do Fox News Viewers Actually Take This Crap Seriously?

Eric Bolling's "concern" for poor people having to choose between guns and food is ridiculous.

There is a point where Fox News just becomes a giant troll joke. No one could take this crap seriously, right?

Take yesterday's little chat about Hillary Clinton's gun proposals on The Five.

It begins with mention of "gun-free zones," a thing which actually did not factor into the latest shooting in Oregon, nor the one in Charleston, nor the one in Waco, nor the one in Santa Barbara, and unless you are willing to send your first-grader to school with a gun, it didn't have anything to do with Newtown either. So let's just leave that talking point alone.

But that's just the beginning. Next up, Dana Perino, saying if something were actually proposed as legislation she could probably support it, but no, nothing has been proposed.

Wrong, Dana. Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey did come together and put a bill on the Senate floor to require universal background checks, but with the help of a few conservadems and the entire NRA caucus Republican caucus, it was defeated. I know it's tough to be a former press secretary with the mind of a flea, but focus, Dana. For God's sake, focus.

Oh, wait. Dana says none of the recent tragedies over the last five years have been gun show related. Of course, how would we know that, since records aren't required to be kept?

Guilfoyle chimes in with her nodding assent. "Where is the legislation that they've put on the books so far?," she asks. As if Democrats had anything to say about much of anything since 2010. We put immigration reform on the table, they shoved it off. We put a compromise gun bill on the table, they shoved it off. So let's get just a little bit real.

But here's the best part. Eric Bolling is such a ball of compassion.

First he says "they" want a gun registry, like it's something awful that is tantamount to stamping tatooes on gun owners' wrists or something.

"They want to close the gun show loophole. What the gun show loophole is, is this. If you are a gun seller, that's your business, you have to have a background check if you sell a gun to someone. You have to," Bolling huffed.

"So they want to close the loophole so that every gun sold to anyone requires a background check," he continued.

Geraldo Rivera then interjected with an affirmative nod toward universal background check, so Bolling was compelled to explain to Geraldo exactly what that meant for poor people.

"In high crime urban areas, poor people have to make the choice between buying this gun to protect my family or feeding my family," Bolling said. He then cited the high cost for background checks in New York and Maryland.

What? You mean the poors will have to choose between DAT GUN and food? Is Bolling down with them using their debit card to buy said gun?

Do Fox News viewers actually fall for scams like this? Bolling's faux concern for poor people is one of the biggest jokes I've ever seen on Fox News.

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