A Fitting End To The GOP's Very Bad, Terrible, Awful, No-Good Week
The DOJ closes the IRS investigation.
I'm happy to report that our long national nightmare is over. The Department of Justice has closed their files on the so-called IRS "scandal," with no charges being brought against anyone.
The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.
There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.
The probe found "substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints. But poor management is not a crime," Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik said in the letter.
In one week, the Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up in Republicans' faces. What's left?