Fox Commentator: Jews Let The Nazis Exterminate Them
Keith Ablow backs Ben Carson's horrible comments about Jews, guns and Nazis.
Repeat after me: Keith Ablow is an evil, evil man who is willing to prostitute himself and any principles we may hold dear in this country for a headline and a pitch for his favorite candidate.
The above paragraph is not news. But Ablow has crawled into the underbelly and swallowed the NRA's bile with an open mouth before vomiting it onto the Internets.
Looking to counter the criticism of Ben Carson for his comments about Jews surrendering themselves to Nazis, Ablow wrote this:
The mindset that Jews surrendered with their guns is far more important than the hardware they turned over: They surrendered the demonstrated intention, at all costs, to resist being deprived of liberty. If Jews in Germany had more actively resisted the Nazi party or the Nazi regime and had diagnosed it as a malignant and deadly cancer from the start, there would, indeed, have been a chance for the people of that country and the world to be moved to action by their bold refusal to be enslaved.
Yes, that would have required immeasurable courage. Yes, that would have required unspeakable losses. But is that not the lesson of the Old Testament? Does not Abraham bind his son Issac to an altar, willing to sacrifice his son’s life to God’s Word—to the truth? Must not we all be ready to sacrifice ourselves to stand in the way of evil?
Granted, I was not there. Granted, hindsight is 20/20. But it turns out it was a bad idea for any Jew to have turned over a gun. It was a bad idea for any Jew to have boarded a train. It was a bad idea for any Jew to have passed through a gate into a camp. It was a bad idea for any Jew to do any work at any such camp. It was a bad idea for any Jew to not attempt to crush the skull or scratch out the eyes of any Nazi who turned his back for one moment. And every bullet that would have been fired into a Nazi coming to a doorway to confiscate a gun from a Jew would have been a sacred bullet.
It's all the victims' fault, don't you see?
In case no one has informed Ablow, no one is calling for anyone to surrender weapons. We're simply calling for responsible gun ownership laws. But beyond that, it's just evil beyond belief for anyone to write the words Ablow did and mean them.
Unpack this for me. I'm just out of words.