GOP Rep Says Admitting Syrian Refugees Is An Impeachable Offense

Rep. Mo Brooks is just fine letting little kids drown, as long as they're not aborted.

Rep. Mo Brooks is a forced-birth crazy Islamophobic nut, who wastes no opportunity to suggest impeaching President Obama for breathing, if only he could. Since it's still legal to breathe, Brooks found something else to impeach Obama for.

During an appearance on The Dale Jackson Show, a local Alabama radio show, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) was asked about President Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 refugees from war-torn Syria to come to the United States over the next year.

After criticizing the potential cost of resettling 10,000 refugees — “We’re going to be giving welfare to all these people!” — Brooks blasted Obama as the “primary world player” who caused the refugee crisis and bemoaned that the president wouldn’t “stand up and take responsibility for this mess.”

However, when the host asked about Obama’s plan to give shelter to thousands of refugees, Brooks called it “horrendous” and “an abdication of responsibility.”

“I think it’s an impeachable offense,” the Alabama Republican said. “But we don’t have the votes to even get articles of impeachment out of the House of Representatives or the Judiciary Committee.”

So in Mo Brooks' weird world, those Syrian refugee kids should just be bombed to smithereens rather than given asylum in our great country. But at least they weren't aborted, right?

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