Hillary Clinton Makes Surprise Appearance At Donald Trump Protest

Workers trying to organize at Trump hotels were surprised when Clinton joined them.

Savvy move on Hillary's part to make a surprise appearance at a labor protest at one of Donald Trump's hotels. And this time, what happens in Vegas is unlikely to stay in Vegas.

"You have to say...'no' to efforts to prevent you from organizing, to prevent you from having the kind of working conditions you deserve, the kind of wages that are going to give you a living wage," Clinton said at the rally. "And that means saying no to Donald Trump."

"Some people think Mr. Trump is entertaining. But I don't think it's entertaining when somebody insults immigrants, insults women. That is just unacceptable behavior," she added. "When we're here together in solidarity to organize, we also want to send a message to Mr. Trump: That if you're going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the United States, and that includes hard-working people."

Clinton is in town for Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate, which is taking place at the nearby Wynn hotel.

The Culinary Workers Union Local 226 organized Monday's protest to demand that Trump allow workers at his hotel to unionize.

Clinton's appearance indeed surprised the crowd, which had been speculating whom the special guest would be.

"It has to be Bernie," said one woman, referring to Clinton's rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Well, maybe Bernie tomorrow. Today it was Hillary. I'm all for both of them hitting Trump hard on his labor policies.

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