John Kasich Loses It: What Has Happened To 'Our Party' And The 'Conservative Movement?'
Gov. John Kasich lambasts the extreme views his fellow presidential candidates are perpetuating on the campaign trail which has turned the GOP into a joke.
Gov. John Kasich, who isn't as moderate as he pretends to be went ballistic over the extreme views his fellow GOP presidential candidates are espousing on the campaign trail and he wonders what's happened to conservatives.
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.
At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”
Mr. Kasich went on to argue that Republicans who proposed abolishing Medicaid and Medicare, imposing a 10 percent flat tax, or deporting millions of people were out of touch with reality. Without mentioning anyone by name, Mr. Kasich appeared to be taking aim at Ben Carson and Donald J. Trump, the outsider candidates who have been dominating national and state polls for months.
“We’re gonna pick them up and we’re gonna take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country,” he said, referring to Mr. Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border and remove immigrants who entered the United States illegally. “Well that’s just crazy.”
“What has happened to our party?” he asked. “What has happened to the conservative movement?”
Live by the sword, die by the sword, bitches!!! It was the GOP establishment that welcomed the far right extremists who call themselves the Tea Party into the fold and let them run amok as long as their ire was turned on president Obama. Now they've turned their wrath on the them, the whole Republican party are looking like neanderthals.
Kasich is obviously courting the wealthy establishment types who he may feel will need him down the road if things blow up, but the rabid GOP base will not forgive this insult.