O'Malley Says Dems Don't Need Any More Old People In The Race

Ageism rears its ugly head.

O'Malley Says Dems Don't Need Any More Old People In The Race

Ageism has been a theme of Martin O'Malley's for a long time, but he actually put it on display today. He wants to be the young hip guy who can step into President Barack Obama's very large shoes, even though he has no national experience and has no problem separating the party by generation.

The only reason he can find for Joe Biden to stay out of the 2016 primary race is age.

Former Maryland Gov. O'Malley said he knows Biden well and has a "tremendous amount of affection and respect for him," according to Politico.

However, O'Malley cited Biden's age, 72, as a drawback. If the VP decided to run and was elected, he would be the oldest President in U.S. history. Same for Hillary Clinton, who is now 67.

"If he were to get into this race, he certainly would bring a lot of experience and that perspective, but I think his generation is already overly represented in our party in this field," O'Malley said.

There's really no call for that. What O'Malley just said is that age matters more than knowledge or experience, or anything else. Making a blanket statement like that which is disrespectful of voters and intentionally divides people is a sign he's not ready for prime time.

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