Pat Robertson Praises Grandfather For Banning Gay Grandson's Partner On Thanksgiving

The bile and gay bashing that comes passing through Pat Robertson's 700 Club show is revolting.

You can always count on a TV Evangelist to sink to the depths of hell in the name of their lunkhead religious views. They distort and lie about the meanings they find in their bible as a way to profit financially and propagate their hatred for those they can profit off of.

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On "The 700 Club" today, Pat Robertson praised a man who banned his gay grandson from bringing a "friend" to Thanksgiving dinner because "there's a real good chance that he might come out of that so-called lifestyle" as long as the family does not condone his behavior.

Fielding a question from a grandfather who had told his grandson that "the presence of his sex partners would not be welcome in our home," especially on Thanksgiving, Robertson praised him for "taking the right stand."

"Otherwise you become an enabler," he said, "and you're condoning that. The chances are there's a real good chance that he might come out of that so-called lifestyle, but if you're going along with it, he says, 'Well, mom likes it, so it's okay.'"

"He's trying to get you to affirmatively accept what he's doing," Robertson continued. "He's trying to force you to do something."

Comparing the situation to one in which someone tries to bring a stripper to Thanksgiving dinner, Robertson said "it's outrageous that he would do that, but that's what's happening ... Let's push people to see how far they'll bend and what you're doing is exactly right, saying,
'I'm not going to let it happen.'"

I'm actually quite surprised that the grandfather even let his own grandson in his home if he's listening Robertson.

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