Shooting Victim Says Shooter Targeted Christians

The father of a shooting victim claims the shooter asked if they were Christians first.

According to an injured victims father, the Umpqua shooter targeted his victims according to what religion they were. This is uncorroborated at this time, but if true, it shows just how determined he was to make a name for himself by doing whatever would light up the country and possibly the politicians.

Via CNN:

The gunman who opened fire at Oregon's Umpqua Community College targeted Christians specifically, according to the father of a wounded student.

Before going into spinal surgery, Anastasia Boylan told her father and brother the gunman entered her classroom firing. The professor in the classroom was shot point blank. Others were hit, she told her family.

Everyone in the classroom dropped to the ground.

The gunman, while reloading his handgun, ordered the students to stand up if they were Christians, Boylan told her family.

"And they would stand up and he said, 'Good, because you're a Christian, you're going to see God in just about one second,'" Boylan's father, Stacy, told CNN, relaying her account.

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