Tea Party Anchor Cries: 'Conservatives Held To Higher Standards'
Yep, it's the Conservatives always held to the highest of standards. Remember the media push back from Iraq? Me neither.
Nobody plays the victims like the designated blonde talking heads on Fox 'News,' and now, nobody can project a lie better. On Fox and Friends, Elisabeth Hasselbeck interviewed a victimized colleague, Scottie Nell Hughes of the 'Tea Party "News" Network' and discussed the unfair portrayal of Republican candidates by the 'mainstream' media. This all seems so strange, as any thinking, rational person could EASILY see that the exact opposite is the case, and Democrats are always held to a MUCH higher standard. There's no one more representative of this obvious double standard than Hillary Clinton, which is where the two token blondes began.
The pundit accused of being biased against Republicans was 'it's not my job to ask tough questions' 'journalist' Chuck Todd. When asked why he doesn't ask tough questions, Todd replied,
'The first time we bark is the last time they do your show.'
So honestly, Scottie Gal, are you sure this is the 'liberal media' of which you speak? The clip played from last Sunday's Meet The Press shows banter between Todd and Secretary Hillary Clinton about the interview. Then they cut to Todd's interview with Carly Fiorina where he correctly calls her out over the fact that the video she spoke of in the September 16 GOP Debate DOESN'T EXIST.
TODD: Are you willing now to concede that you exaggerated that scene.
FIORINA: Laughs NO! Not at all!
HASSELBECK: Good for Carly there!
It's so good that Carly sticks to her guns about an absolutely non-existent fabrication because, Republicans are held to much higher standards? Gag me! Scottie Nell insists that the Democrats are trying to destroy Carly, who is the new face of the pro-life movement.
The next 'example' of Hughes' claim of fantasy media bias against Republicans, is the latest Donald Trump interview conducted by CBS' Scott Pelley, where he inquired about US-Syrian military strategy with respect to Assad and ISIS. Teabagger, Scottie says,
'Well listen, Mr. Scott (Pelley) sat there and wanted to make Trump out to be kind of a laughingstock and HE ended up being the choke (did she mean joke? I can't tell). A lot of people feel the same way Mr. Trump does, and these interviewers HAVE TO UNDERSTAND is that when they INSULT, they're not insulting the person, they're insulting the people that believe it. And a lot of people believe the way Mr. Trump does. He received standing ovation when he talked about his (heartless) plan with the refugees and what was going on with ISIS.
She really believes that the largely uneducated and bigoted supporters of Donald Trump should be given the respect that ignorance deserves and not be questioned or mocked in any way. Sure, why not?
Then Hughes admits that she was present during the interview, and Pelley was genuinely trying to make this more lighthearted than it was, and he meant no harm. Her initial claim that the CBS anchor was unfairly snide with Donald Trump, was in juxtaposition to her last observation that he was very friendly with the whole campaign staff and he was doing his best.
The Tea Party News Network spokeswoman gave just two examples of unfair mainstream media bias: one where Fiorina clearly lied (which is de rigueur for Carly) even though Conservatives are held to a higher standard and the other, where Trump gets a reasonably fair interview, and both completely fail to present this bias that she sets out to expose. Of course she can't find any real examples of pro-liberal bias, even when she omits the facts, because there aren't any.