TN Lt. Governor Calls For Christians To Arm Themselves

Obviously he doesn't believe in "blessed are the peacemakers."

Oh, the unbearable irresponsibility of right-wing haters just makes me want to gnaw something. Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey from Tennessee took to Facebook to call his fellow Christians to arms in the aftermath of the Oregon UCC shootings.

As I scroll through the news this morning I am saddened to read the details of the horrible tragedy in Oregon. My heart goes out to the citizens of Roseburg — especially the families and loved ones of those murdered.

The recent spike in mass shootings across the nation is truly troubling. Whether the perpetrators are motivated by aggressive secularism, jihadist extremism or racial supremacy, their targets remain the same: Christians and defenders of the West.

While this is not the time for widespread panic, it is a time to prepare. I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit. I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise.

Just for the record, I'd like to refer Mr. Ramsey to a few key Bible verses he seems to have forgotten in the fog of war.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. - Matthew 5:9

"Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, But counselors of peace have joy." - Proverbs 12:20

"So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another." - Romans 14:19

Two of those are from the New Testament, which I know most of these people don't read. But even Proverbs calls for peacemakers, not warmongers. Will these wingnuts ever get a clue?

[h/t The Tennessean]

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