Ben Carson Compares Syrian Refugees To Rabid Dogs
I'm sorry but I don't want to enter the mind of Ben Carson
As the days go on, the GOP presidential field keeps making the most outlandish statements regarding the Syrian refugee crisis and today, it's Ben Carson's turn. The neurosurgeon has recently seen his national poll ratings begin to drop so it's hard to say why he said what he did, but he made a very disturbing analogy for any person, let alone a man seeking the highest office in the land, about Syrian refugees trying to enter the U.S.
He may actually believe this, or he may be saying these horrible things to pander to Trump's base of GOP voters, but anyway you slice it, he's despicable.
Ben Carson likened Syrian refugees fleeing the country’s bloody civil war and Islamic State violence to dogs on Thursday.
“For instance, you know, if there is a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good about that dog, and you’re probably gonna put your children out of the way,” Carson said. “Doesn’t mean that you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination.”
Continuing his analogy, the Republican presidential candidate said that screening refugees is like questioning how you protect your children, even though you love dogs and will call the Humane Society to take the dog away to reestablish a safe environment.
“By the same token, we have to have in place screening mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are, quite frankly,” he added. “Who are the people who wanna come in here and hurt us and wanna destroy us? Until we know how to do that, just like it would be foolish to put your child out in the neighborhood knowing that that was going on, it’s foolish for us to accept people if we cannot have the appropriate type of screening.”
Sorry, I have no more words.