Ben Carson's Serial Exaggeration On China's Involvment In Syria

Earlier today, Ben Carson told reporters that he would release his Chinese intelligence to the media after framing an answer at Tuesday's debate as if China was actively involved in the Syrian civil war.

Earlier today, Ben Carson told reporters that he would release his Chinese intelligence to the media after framing an answer at Tuesday's debate as if China was actively involved in the Syrian civil war.

Carson said his campaign would release "some material on that" before the end of the weekend when asked about National Security Adviser Susan Rice saying there's no evidence to support his claims that the Chinese are involved in Syria.

"I have several sources that I've got material from, I'm surprised my sources are better than theirs," he told reporters after a town hall event.

ON MSNBC's Morning Joe, Gen. Michael Hayden, former head of the CIA said Carson was mistaken and there is no Chinese involvement in Syria. He makes his living fearmongering the middle east so he should know if China is in Syria.

During Andrea Mitchell's program this morning, Chris Jansing said that she had a look at the documents that Carson is claiming, but that they aren't what he said they are.

Jansing: As a matter of fact Andrea, I got a look at three sets of papers the campaign is putting out to defend what he said and it's interesting...we were able to get them this morning. I'm quoting here "the Chinese are there," referring to Syria..."the Chinese are there, as well as the Russians," but now what they're saying in these papers that the media got it all wrong. That he never said the Chinese were physically there, but it was about their influence and about weapons that are sold.

And they had documents, some of them that were translated from Chinese on Google translate that said there had been sales of military weapons to Syria so, they're trying to push back on it. he's talking about these documents. We still don't have a good sense on who his advisers are.

We have to hope that Ben Carson's crack team of intelligence experts knows how to use Google Translate properly, but even if they do, Carson isn't being honest about his claims that China has a presence in Syria. Russia's military is indeed a real presence in Syria because they are bombing people, but if China is just selling equipment to the Syrians, then that's just being very capitalist of them. They are turning a profit off of the war. Nothing outlandish about that, but he led everybody to believe that the Chinese were physically active in the region and that is a lie.

Here he is talking to Katie Couric and backing up what Jansing told MSNBC:

The interview also focused on foreign policy, with Couric questioning Carson on his recent assertion that China was playing a role in the ongoing civil war in Syria. Carson insisted China was supplying “a lot of military equipment,” including “radar and sophisticated monitoring systems,” and that those systems needed Chinese support. He went on to tell Couric that his campaign “will be putting out information” on these claims shortly.

I imagine who ever Carson's advisers are, they figured Ben would come across as very knowledgeable about the middle east if he threw out the idea that China was in Syria since not one person has ever said that.

But as usual he has to backpedal on it and then he'll blame the media for misquoting him or taking him out of context. His supporters and the wingnut media will still believe, but the voters he needs to close the deal for the nomination must be getting fed up with his tall tales and serial exaggerations already.

If not now, then soon.

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