Carly Fiorina Shrugs When Man Calls Obama 'Black Muslim' Dictator

Apparently Fiorina has no problem allowing people to slander the president like that.

Please imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if some Democrat at a campaign event called Ben Carson a 'Black Muslim'. Republicans wouldn't stand for it, but it happens so often to President Obama that it's almost routine anymore.

"Anybody other than the dictator we got up there now," the man told Fiorina. "And I mean that. He is a dictator."

The former Hewlett-Packard chief executive shrugged as she went on to talk about the President's rejection of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

“He doesn’t want this country to get ahead,” the man said as Fiorina started to turn toward another table. "He doesn’t. He’s a Muslim. He’s a black Muslim."

Fiorina turned back toward the man.

"Well, time to do something different in many ways," she said.

What a fcking coward. She can't stand up for what's right even when it's not politically expedient?

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