Chris Matthews Goes Off The Rails Again Over Syrian Refugees

Chris Matthews spent a second night blaming the victims in Syria for fleeing the violence of the bloody civil war rather than being "willing to fight for their country."

Chris Matthews spent a second night blaming the victims in Syria for fleeing the violence of the bloody civil war rather than being "willing to fight for their country." Someone remind me again what year it was that he volunteered to go serve in the Vietnam War? Oh yeah, he didn't. But he's going to carry on like a mad man, ranting about the Syrians who are trying to get their families out of that war torn country.

If anyone caught his little diatribe the night before, it was more of the same during his panel segment this Wednesday, and for whatever reason, President Obama having a belly full of the fearmongering we've seen from Ted Cruz and the back and forth between them set him off as well:

MATTHEWS: I don't think the President should ever get snarky. Why did he do it there? Why is he making fun of Republicans? Because he lets somebody like Cruz back on equal terms against him and be equally snarky?

First of all, I don't think President Obama was being "snarky." I think he's sick to death of Republicans acting like a bunch of petulant children and playing politics with real people's lives. But in cable "news" world, we all know the rule. You're never allowed to point out that Republicans are acting like assholes or completely irresponsibly without screaming "Both sides... both sides!!!" until the cows come home.

But the worst of it was him repeating the attacks on the Syrian refugees and basically calling them a bunch of pussies for not wanting to pick up a weapon rather than fleeing:

MATTHEWS: We all liked the Vietnamese coming here, because they were on our side. [..] They were going to get screwed when they lost the war and we knew they were going to lose it right? So they're over here and they're doing well, incredibly well received and doing incredibly well.

We don't have a side in Syria that's on our side, going to war with them, doing their best to defend their country like the Vietnamese did. I said this last night, four million refugees, four people joined our effort to fight the bad guys over there, to fight. Why one in a million is wanting to fight for their own country. They're all conscientious objectors?

It isn't just children and babies. Look at the people on the boats. Every guy seems to be alone, a bachelor on his twenties. All of them. I think some of them should be willing to fight for their country if we're even thinking about it.

Now we have a poll out tonight and American people want to send our troops from Arkansas and Louisiana to fight in a fight they don't even speak the language. They don't even belong there, and we don't want the Syrians to do their own fighting. It doesn't make any sense.

I didn't know Matthews was personally inspecting each and every one of the boats that come out of Syria and checking the marital status of all of the men. He also seems to be buying the idea that the United States arming the so-called "moderates" in Syria was ever going to work.

He's an embarrassment and he obviously hasn't learned anything along with the rest of the media when they pushed us into invading Iraq. He's another member of the cheerleader squad John Amato already discussed this week and it needs to stop, now.

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