C&L's Sat Nite Chiller Theater: 'Dog Soldiers'

Chiller Theater: A band of British soldier thought they were dropped into the Scottish Highlands to perform military exercises, but instead met their worst nightmares.

I went away from the cool 50's flicks I enjoy posting in Chiller Theater in favor of a current classic of horror. Neil Marshall is one of the best modern directors of suspense and horror we have today and I was surprised to find Dog Soldiers, available on Youtube so it made my choice rather easy. The film is also an excellent entry into the werewolf genre.


...a squad of six regular British Army soldiers, including Cooper, is dropped into the Scottish Highlands, somewhat fed up about missing an England-Germany World Cup match. Expecting to carry out a training mission against an SAS unit, they only find their savaged remains. The single, badly-wounded, survivor, Captain Ryan, makes cryptic references to what attacked them.

Unseen predators make their presence known as they attack the troops. While retreating, Bruce is impaled on a tree branch and Sergeant Wells is attacked. He is rescued by Cooper and carried to a rural roadside where the group encounters Megan, a zoologist who takes them to a lonely house, belonging to an unknown family. The soldiers who remain are Wells, Cooper, Spoon, Joe, and Terry. As darkness arrives, the house is surrounded by the attackers: to the soldiers' incredulity, these are revealed to be werewolves.

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