Conservatives Angry That Hillary Clinton Refuses To Say 'Radical Islam'

During today's speech, Hillary Clinton explained why she wouldn't use the expression 'radical Islam."

Republicans, Fox News and other Conservative media outlets continually demand that Democratic politicians use the GOP talking points that have been approved by Frank Luntz, or else they are weak, weak, weak on terrorism, hates America and wants us to lose. It's sophomoric at best and very dangerous at its worst. Ed Henry and Gretchen Carlson discussed Hillary Clinton's speech today and of course a hugely important topic to them was if Hillary Clinton would use their preferred term of "radical Islam," when discussing terrorism.

Carlson: Hillary Clinton has refused to say "radical Islamic extremism,"

Henry: Right

Carlson: Did that change today?

Henry: That is one thing consistent, she again refused to say radical Islam and it was interesting. She said Islam is not the enemy here and she went on to take a shot at her critics who are demanding she use that phrase, radical Islam, listen.

Hillary Clinton: Online or off-line, the bottom line is that we are in a contest of ideas against an ideology of hate, and we have to win. Let’s be clear, though, Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people, and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. '

The obsession in some quarters with a clash of civilization, or repeating the specific words radical Islamic terrorism isn’t just a distraction, it gives these criminals, these murderers more standing than they deserve. It actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side. Our priority should be how to fight the enemy.

She took a shot at you, Ed henry and you, Gretchen Carlson, and all of Fox News. They focused on how Hillary phrased her words around peaceful Muslims that have nothing to do with the jihadists and as usual, misrepresented her words.

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