Cruz Uses Syrian Refugee Crisis As Excuse To Call President Obama A 'Radical'

If anyone should know something about being a radical, it's this bomb-throwing TeaBircher and presidential wannabe Ted Cruz.

If anyone should know something about being a radical, it's this bomb-throwing TeaBircher and presidential wannabe Ted Cruz. This Wednesday Cruz was throwing a hissy fit and acting like some petulant child on a playground who is threatening to beat someone up.

This Thursday, he decided to double down and posted this as the background on his campaign web site:

After President Obama attempted (unsuccessfully, and shamefully with a large number of Democrats giving into the fearmongering) to tamp down some of the rhetoric and explained the fact that the small number of Syrians coming into the United States are not the biggest security threat to the country, Sean Hannity's disgusting, name calling, race baiting reaction before he brought on McCarthy Jr., Tailgunner Cruz is typical of what we saw from the collective freak out on the right.

Here's more on that from Fox's blog: Cruz: Obama's Radical Ideology Puts Americans in Danger:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told Sean Hannity that President Obama is endangering the lives of Americans by allowing thousands of Syrian refugees to enter the country.

"This president is so driven by radical ideology, by political correctness," Cruz said. "The president insists we have to endanger the safety and security of our nation."

The Republican presidential contender pointed out that Obama attacked him during recent speeches in Turkey and Manila.

"Obama, instead of defending this nation, just attacks you and me and every American who wants to keep this nation safe," Cruz said.

He noted that Sen. Pat Leahy echoed President Obama’s attacks on the Senate floor, calling Cruz's opposition to accepting refugees "anti-American."

"He said, gosh, his ancestors were Irish and Italian and we didn’t block him. And I responded to Pat Leahy and I said, 'You know what, on my mother’s side, my ancestors were Irish and Italian. The difference was, they weren’t coming here to blow up and murder civilians.'"

All they have to sell is fear and the media once again is more than happy to play the enablers for their dangerous game.

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