Elizabeth Warren Warns CFPB Attacks Just Cover For Wall Street Destruction Of Dodd-Frank

In a floor speech, Warren explained that the attacks on the CFPB are just smoke to hide the true goal.

If you watched the Republican debate Tuesday night, you got treated to this horrible ad, courtesy of American Action Network, the Iowa-based Kochtopus arm.

It paints the CFPB as some evil entity standing in the way of consumers' financial happiness, which is pure Orwell.

The thing is, Senator Warren is pretty sure they're hammering on the CFPB to create a smokescreen for gutting Dodd-Frank through budget riders, which is the gist of her speech in the video at the top.

From her Facebook page:

Why are shady right-wing groups attacking me and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Because Wall Street knows that if they can soften support for the CFPB, the GOP – and some Democrats – will feel a little bit better when they try to undercut the agency and roll back financial regulations in closed-door deals. We know that the Republicans will do whatever it takes to weaken Dodd-Frank. We heard that in the GOP debate, and we saw that last December when they slipped a provision drafted by Citigroup lobbyists into the must-pass government funding deal. Democrats need to stand together and fight for working families so it doesn’t happen again.

The problem here isn't Republicans. We know Republicans will do whatever they want to gut the law. The problem is wishy-washy Democrats, as Howie explained last night.

We have to go on the offensive on this and push every single Democrat to stand strong behind the Dodd-Frank protections and the CFPB. This is also something Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders need to start being very specific about on the campaign trail. Both of them, because we cannot afford to lose the meager protections we finally have, and need to reach as many voters as possible.

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