Forced-Birth Activist: 'I Didn't Lose Any Sleep' Over Planned Parenthood Attack

And it's not just the candidates, either.

After Friday's deadly attack on the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic, one might expect the anti-abortion rhetoric to be toned down, but no. If anything, it's even hotter and more incendiary than ever.

One notorious anti-abortion activist, who has long been an open supporter of violence against abortion providers, broke with the movement in offering direct support to Dear.

Donald Spitz, who runs the Army of God website and is based in Virginia, said of his fellow anti-abortion activists’ condemnations of violence, “They say that all the time. I think they’re hypocritical.”

While many groups insist violence against abortion providers is counterproductive to their cause, Spitz suggested such rhetoric is disingenuous. Referring to Scott Roeder, who murdered abortion provider George Tiller and who Spitz calls a friend, Spitz said, “How could that be counterproductive when he stopped them from providing abortions? They’ve lost their mind. They’re into political correctness way too far.”

As for Spitz’s own reaction, “I think Planned Parenthood is an evil organization, so I didn’t lose any sleep when I heard about it,” Spitz said. “They sell baby parts, and they reap what they sow, and now they’re complaining about it.”

He added, “There are no innocent people in Planned Parenthood. They’re in there for a reason.”

Spitz said he wrote to Dear on Monday to offer his support.

“I told him, I was reaching out to him, it appears that everybody is against him. I’m not against him,” he said.

Spitz was given pause, though, by the fact that the three killed on Friday weren’t involved in providing abortion. “It’s one thing to kill an abortionist who’s killing babies,” Spitz said. “What he did, I don’t know.”

But he knows he'll support the guy for shooting up the clinic, in spite of the fact that a policeman was killed along with two innocent victims. Got it.

Spitz is an ardent Donald Trump supporter, just so you understand the mindset behind the rhetoric. He has his own YouTube channel, where he posts videos like the one where the Black Lives Matter protester was beaten at a Trump rally with the title "Trump Tosses Black Lives Matter Heckler From Alabama Rally." How generic.

Other than Spitz, however, the reaction was more or less unanimous. The talking point goes like this: Pro-choice activists are doing what they accuse forced birth activists of doing. They endanger the lives of innocent people by blaming the violence on forced birthers' violent rhetoric.

Round and round and round in the circle game.

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