Harry Reid Rips MSNBC For Their Fawning Koch Brothers Interview

Senator Reid didn't hold back.

I'm glad yesterday's ridiculous fawning interview with Charles and David Koch made news on the Senate floor, thanks to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Seasoned troll and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took his beef with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to the Senate floor on Wednesday, bashing the MSNBC hosts for their interview with the billionaire Koch brothers earlier this week.

Reid called the "Morning Joe" interview with conservative mega-donors Charles and David Koch an example of the media catering to "modern-day robber barons," and read aloud his favorite excerpts from the segment.

“Wow. Those were some really tough questions asked by the host of 'Morning Joe.' That’s sufficient journalism,” Reid said on the Senate floor, after reading excepts of the hosts asking the brothers if they play rugby together and whether their "graciousness" came from their mother.

He continued: “Those questions are so easy, they may even qualify them to moderate the next Republican presidential debate."

Reid also said "most of the time there weren't even questions. There were just compliments" during Scarborough and Brzezinski's sit-down with the Kochs in the brothers' hometown of Wichita, Kansas.

"It seems that some journalists are determined not to get on the wrong side of the Koch brothers and their billions," he said. "When the media rolls over for these modern-day robber barons as it's doing now, our country's in trouble."

Joe Scarborough felt compelled to respond, now that he's de facto head of MSNBC.

"It is easy to understand why Harry Reid is enraged by the kind of thoughtful discussions we have with our Democratic and Republican guests on Morning Joe. It was Reid, after all, who brought shame to the Senate floor last year by quoting Joseph McCarthy and calling his political opponents ‘un-American,'" Scarborough said in a statement. "If Harry Reid were not so blinded by hatred toward Charles Koch, he would have noticed that Koch harshly criticized Republicans for supporting corporate welfare, called George W. Bush a failed president for running up massive deficits and reckless wars, and said that he was unimpressed with the field of Republican presidential candidates. In fact, he saved his harshest criticisms for Republicans he once supported."

Scarborough also took to Twitter to toss a few epithets Reid's way. That's pretty unbecoming for a so-called "objective" journalist, isn't it? Okay, maybe I'm being a little bit unfair there. Everyone knows Joe Scarborough isn't objective and doesn't commit journalism. But that interview went beyond the pale and deserved scrutiny.

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