Marco Rubio, The Holy One
Marco Rubio turns into Cardinal Dolan and announces that God's rules outweigh the civil authorities.
In a bid to increase his creds with the religious right community, Senator Marco Rubio, who has converted to Catholicism, went on the CBN to decree that God's law trumps the Supreme Court or any other court in America. And those sinful liberals should be damned for forcing Pat Robertson to marry the gays on national TV!!!
Does that sound like a man who wants to be the American Pope or the U.S. president?
In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.”
The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.”
“We are clearly called, in the Bible, to adhere to our civil authorities, but that conflicts with also a requirement to adhere to God’s rules,” he said. “When those two come in conflict, God’s rules always win. In essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin, violate God’s law and sin, if we’re ordered to stop preaching the gospel, if we’re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that. We cannot abide by that because government is compelling us to sin.
I'm not sure who in the government is forcing a priest, pastor, mormon or whoever, to marry anybody, let alone a gay couple, do you?
I'm glad he brought that up. Because tons of people are trying to stop good God-fearing Americans from preaching the gospel and trying to force them to "perform same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it" and he needs to draw the line.
Marco needs to practice his dog-whistling.