Right-Wing Bigots Lose Their Minds Over Mizzou President's Resignation

The stuck-pig howls from wingers about mean black people suggest protesters hit a sore spot.

University of Missouri president Tim Wolfe's resignation has sparked howls and whines of outrage from the right wing, who sees absolutely no reason why bigots shouldn't continue to be bigots on and off campus.

Raw Story has a collection of tweets, but this one from whiny baby boy Ben Shapiro tops the chart:

Being an ineffective bigoted @sshole has nothing to do with it in Ben Shapiro's world. It's just about white people being white people, and if that means they're racist and bigoted, well, too damn bad, amirite?

Then we have Rush Limbaugh, who is seeing sixteen different shades of red over it.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Well that may be the end of college football as we know it. It just might be. It just could be. Only time will tell but if you think this is the end of something you don't know liberalism. This is the continuation of something.


The Ben Carson story continues to explode or percolate. Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live Saturday night, eh, not a big deal to a lot of people. And then we have a Republican debate coming up tomorrow night on the Fox Business Network. But what's happening on the American college campus, the vaunted academy to me takes the top spot in the stack of stuff today. For those of you who are just now getting attuned to whats happening during the day the University of Missouri's embattled president has resigned. His name is Tim Wolfe. He just quit, just resigned because of committing the crime of being a white male.


On campus at the University of Missouri, I did not attend, a family did, but I'm not a member of the alma mater there. Now if you haven't been following this story, this is a social justice warriors story. Some of the students at Mizzou have been calling for the president of the university to resign.

The pressure on the university president, I guess it really began, a student began a hunger strike with a list of demands. None of them specific. If you go through the list of demands here and the complaints you don't find anything specific. You find the major problem is that there are too many white people in this place. And they apparently are not nice enough or considerate enough to the 10% of the people there who are black. And so there has to be some changes.

Being concerned about racism on campus shouldn't uniquely be a "liberal value," but apparently it is. Any administrator of a large university campus should be concerned when there is complaint after complaint about anything and it goes unaddressed. Why did it take a hunger strike and the threat of a football team's boycott to get the attention of the administration on this?

And then there's Breitbart News, who turned to their old friend and former "liberal" Lee Stranahan for commentary:

Lee Stranahan at Breitbart.com said, “These activists used pure intimidation tactics to terrorize the campus, cause the black members of the Mizzou football ream to strike, and force Wolfe into apologies and finally resignation.”

He went on to lament the rise of “the hydra of hysterical campus activism,” which is “springing up across the nation.”

“It’s hard to know where it will end,” he wrote.

With any luck, it'll end when right-wingers quit behaving like raving pigs and people start actually respecting each other. But I won't hold my breath waiting.

How could we possibly forget Glenn Beck, who subscribes to the "quit hitting yourself" theory of university life.

The only way you’ll teach any of these guys a lesson is if they’re actually afraid,” Beck said of university officials who have conceded too much authority to the left. “And they’re starting to be afraid of the students. Because the students have become unhinged.”

Hunger strikes and protests don't just spring up from a well of nothing. They happen because no one is listening, no one cares, and no one is doing anything.

Even the College Republicans got involved before they deleted their tweets making a comparison between the protesting students and terrorists.

They really hate it when the black guys win a round, don't they?

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