Right Wingers Use Paris Attacks To Bash Immigrants On Twitter

There's no time like a tragedy for them to stir up the hate.

Right Wingers Use Paris Attacks To Bash Immigrants On Twitter

Right wingers are having a field day with the Paris attacks. After all, why should they express concern for the people in France who have been killed and injured when they can use a tragedy for potential political gain?

Ann Coulter leads off the pack:

On and on, she goes.

Junior Breitbot Ben Shapiro couldn't wait to jump on his twitter and be an ass, too.

He's upset because President Obama didn't blame "radical Islamists" right off the top, so they could have another year's worth of BENGHAZI!!! hearings.

Rep. Jeff Duncan:

That sparked this magnificent response (which will be overlooked by the demagogues)

Via Mother Jones, a few more. I just picked this one as an example:

The Republican candidates have been advised by Frank Luntz to play it cool:

Ben Carson, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and Ted Cruz all tweeted equivalent tweets to Trump's.

Update: How could I possibly have forgotten Pammy Geller, whose entire Twitter stream is horrible? This is representative:

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