Sean Duffy's Wife Is Crazier Than He Is
Rachel Campos-Duffy seems to be writing a script for a show unlinked from reality.
Now that they've claimed some scalps and have their guy in as Speaker, the wingnuts are feeling their oats. In Sean Duffy's case, he's opting out of the yakker circuit and sending his wife out instead.
Rachel Campos-Duffy appeared on CNN to play the "up-is-down; down-is-up" game regarding Planned Parenthood. It's so precious how they assume we're all idiots, isn't it?
Attacking Planned Parenthood, Cardona continued, is a terrible idea on the GOP’s part, calling it “a wildly unpopular idea.”
“Wrong,” said Campos-Duffy. “(Paul Ryan) was very clear even before he saw these horrific videos that somehow Maria seems okay defending — the sale of body parts, late terms…”
“You mean the edited videos?” Cardona asked, referring to the fact that the videos in question were heavily and misleadingly edited.
“They are not edited,” Campos-Duffy insisted, “and you can go online and see them.”
“You mean those videos that aren’t actually from Planned Parenthood?” said Cardona.
Republicans don’t want to shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood, she said, “That is not the correct way to say it. They will send a budget. The budget will not include funding for Planned Parenthood and it will be up to the president to decide whether he wants to expire the budget based on funding for Planned Parenthood.”
“Good luck with that, Rachel,” quipped Cardona, perhaps remembering when Sen. Ted Cruz attempted to blame President Obama for the Republican-led government shutdown in 2013. Reporters scoffed in the Tea Party senator’s face.
This seems simple enough even for a reality show star who lives on another planet to understand. Federal funds for Planned Parenthood don't pay for abortions. Planned Parenthood does not sell "baby parts." Rachel Campos-Duffy is a talking parrot for her husband's frat boy club of anti-choice, anti-women legislators who now feel empowered by Paul Ryan's ascendance.
When the government shuts down over their failure to fund Planned Parenthood's services for women's health screenings and assistance, it will be Republicans who do that, not the President.
Also, here is a friendly reminder and public service announcement. The federal government does not simply hand Planned Parenthood a pile of money. The funds which the Federal Government pays to Planned Parenthood are in the form of reimbursement for services already performed, which serves to cement the fact that said reimbursements do not pay for abortions, no matter how many times a Republican lies about that fact.
Whenever you hear one of these nuts claim funds are "fungible," please remember that the services are rendered for screenings and the like, a bill is sent to the government, and the government is obligated to pay.
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