Smerconish Tells Sean Spicer Living In A Fox News Bubble Won't Win Presidency

Michael Smerconish tried to dish some reality to the RNC's Sean Spicer. Republicans hate reality.

Sean Spicer is convinced Republicans just have a tougher time in the press than Democrats do, because the "librul media" picks on them and reports all the lies and flim-flammery that they indulge in on a daily basis.

Everyone repeat after me: Boo-effing-hoo.

This self-pitying claim while Michael Smerconish (!!!) was trying to serve Spicer a dose of reality with a dollop of advice.

Smerconish said that bashing the media may work with the base, but it “bodes poorly” in the general election. He suggested that if Carson can’t answer questions on CNN, he won’t stand that much of a chance against Hillary Clinton.

Spicer pushed back by saying it’s a fact that the media treats Republicans more harshly than they do Democrats. Smerconish said “I don’t know that it’s a fact” and cited the tough questions Clinton got at CNN’s debate.

He told Spicer, “A Fox-only constituency cannot get your man or woman elected.” And after playing the clip of Carson saying we’d be Cuba without Fox, he said it’s doubtful a Republican could win “playing only in the Fox sandbox during the nomination process.”

Of course they can choose to play only in the Fox sandbox and live in the Fox bubble! It's what they did in 2008 and again in 2012. Look where it got them. If Sean Spicer wants to repeat the same behavior that failed twice before, he should go right ahead.

All that means is that we'll have a Democrat elected President again, Republicans will once again go through a time of reassessment before they go back to doing exactly what they did before, and Roger Ailes will laugh all the way to the bank.

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