Starbucks Cup Evangelist Called For Assassination Of Abortion Providers

Joshua Feuerstein's video is chilling.

You can call this video what you want, but I'll call it terrorism. It's no different than when ISIS threatens to behead journalists, and it isn't just said for effect.

Just after the Center for Medical Progress posted their edited, deceptive, incendiary videos, self-proclaimed "evangelist" Joshua Feuerstein posted a video calling for this:

Planned Parenthood has hunted down millions and millions of little innocent babies, stuck a knife into the uterus, cut them, pulled them out, crushed their skull with forceps, ripped their body apart, sold their tissue, and threw them bleeding into a trash bin.

I say, tonight, we punish Planned Parenthood. I think it’s time that abortion doctors should have to run and hide and be afraid for their life.

The YouTube video above is a capture of the original which was removed by Vimeo, and includes commentary by Sentient Fart Cloud of Doom.

As Michael Stone notes in his Patheos post, it's not the first or last time Feuerstein has called for violence against people he doesn't like.

The video is important because it demonstrates a dangerous and radical strain of Christian extremism that enjoys considerable popularity, and is part of a much larger campaign waged by conservative Christians within the Republican party to demonize abortion providers and Planned Parenthood.

Feuerstein, a former pastor who calls himself a “social media personality,” is no stranger to making controversial and dangerous statements. Feuerstein was behind the recent Christian freak out over Starbucks’ alleged “anti-Jesus” red holiday cups.

Even more alarming, last year Feuerstein encouraged Christians to fight same-sex marriage with guns.

Feuerstein may be an ignorant and ugly religious zealot, but with over 1.8 million Facebook followers his influence should not be underestimated. And while it is unclear whether or not the Christian terrorist behind the recent attack on Planned Parenthood was directly influenced by Feuerstein’s dangerous call to action, there can be no doubt that the video feeds and encourages the dangerous climate that makes terrorist acts against Planned Parenthood not only likely, but inevitable.

Bottom line: Feuerstein is a Christian terrorist promoting Christian terrorism.

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